Show Only Items You Select
Hide Selected Items from Table Views
Search Code or Label Fields Using Reduce
Display Members of a Group (Drilldown)
Method 1 To show only the items you select
- Select the headings of the items you want to display.
- Do one of the following:
- Click the right mouse button and choose Show.
- From the Item menu, choose Show.
- The unselected items disappear from the view.

Method 2 To hide selected items from a table view
- Select the headings of the items you want to hide.
- Do one of the following:
- Click the right mouse button and choose Hide.
- From the Item menu, choose Hide.
- The items you selected disappear from the view.Note: To return the hidden items to the table view, select the dimension and choose Reset from the Dimension menu.

- Select the dimension you want to search.
- Do one of the following:
- Click the Search button on the toolbar.
- From the Dimension menu, choose Search.
- In the Field area, select either Code or the name of a label field.
- In Text to Find, enter the code, word, phrase, or abbreviation you want to search for.
Tip: The Browser will find this text or code whether it is at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a series of characters. It is best to be as specific as possible.
- In the Type of Selection area:
- Select Reduce to hide all items that do not match. Previously hidden items remain hidden.
- Select Expand to display all hidden items that match. Previously displayed items remain displayed.
- Select Find Next to search through the displayed items and move the cursor to the first item that matches the search. Hidden items are ignored, even if they match.
The Browser determines whether the field you selected contains the text you specified, and then displays the results.
Method 4 To display the members of a group (Drill Down)
- Click on a bold, underlined item name.The items that are members of the group are displayed.
After you have filtered your dimensions you can nest them along the rows (from the Browser Help):