
When reviewing my incident that completed with an error I don't see the bad data that the error is reporting. e.g. error 701 - "Arrestee Armed With" from B arrest segment from Repository Incident editor, the Arrestee Weapon Segment is converted to 01 - Unarmed


For many fields, the Incident Editor provides users with the choice of only valid options. When a submission includes invalid data that does not match one of the available options, some affected incidents cannot be opened using the Incident Editor because the invalid data cannot be viewed. In other cases, the incident will open with the Incident Editor, but will not display the value from the file, instead, presenting (NONE) in place of the submitted value. 

If you want to view the original, bad data, use the Single Incident Viewer to view the incident.

To correct the incident, select the correct value in the field if necessary and submit the correction by clicking Finish  In this example you would select the correct Arrestee Weapon. If 01 - Unarmed is the correct selection then click Finish and the incident will be updated.