There are two categories of offenses reported in the NIBRS: Group A and Group B. It is important to determine which category an offense belongs to because the reporting requirements for Group A and Group B reports are different. Group A offenses must include relevant incident data represented in multiple segments (Administrative, Offense, Property, Victim, Offender, and Arrestee); Group B reports include only arrest data.

For Group A incidents, the incident is provided with the Offense segment, which means that it can only be associated with the Group A offense.  However, even for Group A incidents, you could still get an arrest that includes a Group B arrest offense.

And the logic is as below

a) For finding data associated with Group A offenses, you can use the Offense Data cube.

b) For finding data associated with arrests from Group A Incidents (Group A or Group B offenses), you can use the All Arrestee Data cube or the Arrest Data cube.

c) For finding data associated with arrests from Group B Arrests (only Group B offenses), you can use the All Arrestee Data cube, making sure to select "B Arrest Segment" in the Segment dimension .