An incident is considered to involve Motor Vehicle Theft if either of the following conditions is met:

a) Any offense in the incident includes the UCR offense code 240 (or any NCIC offense code that maps to UCR offense 240);
b) Any NCIC charge for any arrestee maps to UCR offense code 240

The Number of Vehicles Stolen is there for the special counting rules for specific crimes. The Number of Vehicles Stolen field can only ever be entered when the vehicles were stolen with MVT, as this is used in counting the number of crimes.

A car stolen in a robbery, or any other offense (e.g. fraud), is still captured by the correct property description (e.g. 03=automobile) but regardless of the number of vehicles stolen in this way, we just count a single crime. That's why the field must remain blank.

We effectively follow the NIBRS counting rules when counting "offenses" in NIBRS to Summary conversion.  It counts victims for crimes against person (after applying the hierarchy rule), vehicles for MVT and premises entered for burglary.

While the number of premises is used to count offenses in the NIBRS to Summary conversion, it is not used to count crimes for NIBRS.

Useful Link

- NIBRS cubes and Combined Summary cubes and Converting NIBRS to Summary