Administrative Data

Details about the administrative data in various incidents, including the counts of different offenses, offenders, victims and arrestees.  Example: Count of incidents that have multiple victims and multiple offenders. 

All Arrestee Data

Details about arrests, whether associated with a Group A offense or not, including Group B arrests and pre-NIBRS arrestees.  Example:  Count all arrestees aged 25-34, broken down by offense. 

Arrestee Data

Details of arrests associated with Group A offenses, regardless of the arrest offense.  Example:  Count all arrests associated with incidents with drug offenses, broken down by the offense for which the arrestee was charged.

Property Drug-Related Data

Details of property offenses related to, or involving illegal drugs. Example: Count the number of incidents where illegal narcotics were seized. 

Incident Data 

Details of all offense types, offender information, victim information, administrative data, and arrestee information. Example: Count the number of incidents that involve crimes against persons where the victim was under 18, the offender was over 18, and the arrestee was white. 

Motor Vehicle Stolen and Recovered Data

Details about stolen motor vehicles and recovered motor vehicles broken down by location type, incident date, or time information. Example: Count the number of stolen and recovered motor vehicles taken from residences or homes. 

Offender Data 

Details about the offender, their offense, and their biographical information. Example: Count the number of offenders who committed crimes against persons, are female, and are under 18. 

Offense Data

Details about the offense, the offender, and the date it occurred. Example: Count the number of offenders who committed homicide and are white. 

Population Survey Data Used for Rate Indicators

Contains population data that can be supplied at the ORI, County and State levels. This population is used to calculate crime rates and is also shown as the Estimated Population in other cubes. 

Property Description Data

Details about the description of the property, the property value, and the type of property loss, etc. Example: Count the number of property descriptions and property value of stolen jewelry/ precious metals/gems. 

Property Loss Data

Details about the type of property loss in an offense. Example: Count the number of incidents where property was stolen or recovered. 

Victim Data

The victim cube allows you to count victims of crimes. For individual victims, this includes demographics (age, sex, race, ethnicity) as well as injuries. Each victim is connected to one or more offenses, so it is possible to analyze victims by crime details, such as the offense type, location, weapons used etc. In addition, for certain crimes, victims are connected to offender information, so victims can also be analyzed by details of the offenders.  Example: Count the number of incidents with victims who were white, and over 18, where the offender is over 18.

See Also: