An update definition file (IVU) is the primary input to the Integrator's Builder. It defines the steps needed to create or update a table or extract, and it also specifies a source definition file and (optionally) one or more dimension definition files.

You can create an IVU in Visual Builder when you are creating a new table or extract. The Builder will prompt you to save the IVU.

Section names in an IVU appear in square brackets before the key entries, as in this example:

[Input] FilePath=C:\IVDATA\SALE????.TXT Definition=C:\IVDATA\SALES.IVS FilenameParameters=????mmyy

In this example, the section name is Input. FilePath, Definition, and FilenameParameters are keys. The value for each key appears after the equals sign.

Footnote Loader Only definition

An IVU is a valid "footnote loader only IVU" if it contains a valid FootnoteLoader section and a Name key specifying an existing IVT file. There should be no Rules specified.

  • When a valid "footnote loader only IVU" is loaded into the Builder, the Data Load Footnotes menu option will become available. If processed by the Integrators Builder, it will run only the Footnote Loader section of the Builder.

IVU - Definition section

Starting in Builder 7.1, this section contains only a single key which indicates the current version of the IVU file. For example,


IVU - Input section

The Input section of an IVU identifies the source files for the build. 

  • Files that are not in the same folder as the IVU must include complete path information.

The following table describes the key entries in the Input section of an IVU:

CharSetNoThis must be one of: ANSI, OEM, UTF8, UTF16 or UTF16BE. The default is ANSI, which indicates that the character set encoding for the source file is based on the Windows-1252 character set.
OemCompatibilityNoEnables CSV files with inconsistent character set encoding to be used as source files.
  • Note: In versions of the Builder prior to 7.1, an inconsistent character set encoding was used for CSV files when used as dimension definition files. This has been fixed, but some customers may have IVU files that have been modified to address this issue. If they add this key to the IVU and set it to TRUE, then the old behaviour will be retained; otherwise the new (correct) behaviour will be used.
DefinitionYesSpecifies a method for defining the source fields. Possible values are:
  • IVDBASE.DLL - The source file is a dBase (DBF) file which will be handled by IVDBASE.DLL. You must specify the name of the DBF file using the FilePath key (below).
  • IVPLUS.DLL - The source file is an extract (IVX) file that will be handled by IVPLUS.DLL. You must specify the name of the IVX file using both the FilePath and Source keys (below).
  • IVCSV.DLL - (Version 7.1 and later) The source file is a CSV file that will be handled by IVCSV.DLL. You must specify the name of the DBF file using the FilePath key (below). 
  • The name of a source definition (IVS) file that defines the source files for the build.

If the source file is an ASCII file, Definition must name an IVS file that defines its fields.

If the source file is a DBF file that includes any user-defined fields, series, or redefinitions, Definition must name an IVS file that defines its fields.

FilePathNon-extracts only.

Names the source files. 

  • You can specify more than one file by using standard wildcards in the definition.
    For example, C:\DATA\????.DBF would specify all files in the folder C:\DATA whose names contain four characters and have a DBF extension. This might be helpful for choosing one of several files each representing a calendar year, such as 1999.DBF, 2000.DBF, and 2001.DBF.

If FilePath contains wildcards, the Visual Builder exhibits the following behaviour:

  1. Table Building - Prompt for a matching file.
  2. Extract Building - Process all files matching the FilePath.

Note: The Integrator's Builder always processes all files matching the FilePath.

FilenameParametersNoA system the Builder can use to extract information from a file name. See Filename Parameters in the Builder Help for more information. (Not used when building a table from an extract.)
SourceExtracts onlySpecifies the extract source file. Only used if FilePath is not defined.
ListSeparatorNoIf the FilePath refers to a delimited file, this contains the character to be used as the delimiter. It may be any printable ANSI character enclosed in double-quotes or it may be the special character 0x09 which refers to the tab character. If omitted, the list separator from the computer's regional settings will be used.

Input Section Examples

The following excerpt from an IVU specifies a single ASCII file as the input for a build. It names both the ASCII source file (SIC1992.TXT) and an IVS file that defines the ASCII file (SIC.IVS). No path information is required, because both files are in the same folder as the IVU.

[Input] Definition=SIC.IVS 

The following Input section might be used to process several files. This example includes path information because the required files are not in the same folder as the IVU. Wildcards are used in the FilePath definition to indicate that any files in C:\XDATA whose names start with "SIC," are followed by any four characters, and end with a .TXT extension can be used as source files.

[Input] Definition=C:\XDATA\SIC.IVS 

The following Input section builds a table from an extract:

[Input] Definition=IVPLUS.DLL FilePath=C:\XDATA\92GR.IVX Source=C:\XDATA\92GR.IVX

A dBase source file contains all the field definitions and does not require an IVS file. In the following example, the Definition key names the DLL that is used to process dBase files. The FilePath key then names the dBase file. Because the DBF file is not in the same folder as the IVU, complete path information is given.

Note that if any user defined fields, series, or redefinitions are defined for a dBase file, the Definition key must contain the name of a source definition file (IVS).


IVU - Output section

The Output section of an IVU defines the table or extract that will be created.


Multilingual tables also require an Output-xxx section for each language, where xxx is a 3-letter language code. Output-xxx sections have many of the same key entries as Output sections, but key entries in an Output-xxx section override corresponding entries in an Output section.

The following describes the key entries in the Output section of an IVU: 

NameYesThe name of the table or extract that will be created, with the extension IVT for a table or IVX for an extract. (Can also be the reserved word "Untitled". If “Untitled,” the Builder will prompt for a filename before closing the table or extract.)
ReadOnlyNoSpecifies whether a table is read-only. (Not used when creating an extract.) Possible values:
  • True, False. If True, the table is locked to prevent it from being modified.

Specifies whether all groups will be recalculated when building a table. (Not used when creating an extract.) Possible values: 

  • True, False. If True, all groups are recalculated.

Links a map file to a table. (Not used when creating an extract.) Three fields must be specified:

  • The name of the map file.
  • The name of the dimension that will be linked to the map file. The dimension's type must be geographic.
  • The name of the field within the dimension that contains the map codes.

Specifies whether a table or extract is defined as having languages. 

  • If no language is specified, the table or extract is defined as not having languages; that is, it is unilingual. If one or more languages are specified, the table or extract is defined as having languages; that is, it is multilingual (or "multi-language"). 
  • If languages are present, there is one language key for each language and the value of each key is a language code. (N is a serial number, starting with 1 for the default language.)
  • When creating an extract, the language keys are copied to the Summary section of the IVX in the same order as they appear in the IVU.
DimNNoSpecifies dimension information when creating a table. (Not used when creating an extract.)
  • Any dimension information specified here overrides corresponding dimension information contained in an Output-xxx section.
  • N is a sequential number, starting with 1 for the first dimension. There is one dimension key for each dimension present.
  • There are two methods for defining dimensions. See Dimensions, below.

A comma-separated list containing up to 32 keywords. 

  • The keywords appear in the Find dialog box of the Beyond 20/20 Browser and Visual Builder, where they are used to search for data. 
  • For extracts, the keyword entries become the values of the Keywords key in the [Summary] section of the IVX file.
  • Maximum length of each keyword = 32 characters.

The name of a file that contains notes about the table. (Not used when creating an extract.)

  • This section is obsolete, but still supported. Notes defined here are copied to the [Notes] section of the IVU.
  • All the notes for a particular language cannot exceed 32,000 characters.


The category that appears in the Browser or Visual Builder's Find dialog box. 

  • For extracts, this entry becomes the value of the Category key in the [Summary] section of the IVX file.
  • Maximum length = 255 characters for extracts (IVX) and 64 characters for tables (IVT).

The person or organization who is responsible for creating the table or extract. 

  • For extracts, this entry becomes the value of the Author key in the Summary section of the IVX file.
  • Maximum length = 255 characters for extracts (IVX) and 64 characters for tables (IVT).

The title that appears in the Browser or Visual Builder's Find dialog box. 

  • For extracts, this entry becomes the value of the Description key in the Summary section of the IVX file.
  • Maximum Length = 255 characters.

Specifies what happens to existing data in a cell when new data becomes available. Possible values for tables are: 

  • Add, Replace. 
  • Default for tables = Replace. (For extracts, the value must be Replace.)
  • If Add, the new value is added to the existing value.
  • If Replace, the new value replaces the existing value.

Specifies what happens to an existing file when a new version becomes available. Possible values for tables are: 

  • Update, Replace, Fail, Zero. 
  • Default for tables = Update. For extracts, the value must be Replace.
  • If Update, the table is created if it doesn't already exist and updated if it does.
  • If Replace, the table is deleted. A new empty table is created using the definition in this section.
  • If Fail, the Builder stops processing.
  • If Zero, the file's format will be left as it is but all the data will be set to zero.

Sets the number of decimals that will show in the table. 

  • If there is a Units definition in a Dimension Definition File it will override this setting.

Lists the dimensions that are to appear in the rows, from the outermost dimension to the innermost. The fields must be comma-separated and enclosed in double quotes as required.

  • This key will be generated based on the view at the time the IVU is saved.
  • If the RowDims key is not specified, the last unallocated physical dimension will be placed on the rows. If all dimensions are allocated, the second-to-last physical dimension will be placed on the rows unless that has been allocated to the columns, in which case, the last dimension will be used.

Lists the dimensions that are to appear in the columns, from the outermost dimension to the innermost. The fields must be comma-separated and enclosed in double quotes as required.

  • This key will be generated based on the view at the time the IVU is saved.
  • If the ColDims key is not specified, the last unallocated physical dimension will be placed on the columns. If all dimensions are allocated, the last dimension will be placed on the columns.

Lists the dimensions that are to appear in the other dimension bar, from the outermost dimension to the innermost. The fields must be comma-separated and enclosed in double quotes as required.

  • This key will be generated based on the view at the time the IVU is saved.
  • If the OtherDims key is not specified, all dimensions that are not allocated to the rows or columns will appear in the other dimension bar in physical dimension order. 


There is one dimension key for each dimension in the table. Keys are numbered from Dim1 to DimN, where N is the number of dimensions in the table. 

There are two methods for defining dimension keys:

Method 1

  • This method uses a dimension definition file (IVD or IVN) to define all aspects of the dimension. 

The following describes the values for DimN in the Output section of an IVU, using Method 1:


The name of the dimension.

  • Maximum 15 characters.
  • This will be overridden by the name of the dimension in the IVD or IVN file.

The name of a dimension definition file (IVD or IVN).

  • The dimension takes all its properties from the definition file. 
  • This is the only way to predefine information such as items, sort order, labels, bands, and group information.

Method 2

  • This method does not use an IVD. It requires you to specify all the dimension information within the key entries. 

The following describes the values for DimN in the Output section of an IVU, using Method 2:


The name of the dimension.

  • Maximum 15 characters.

A description of the dimension.

  • Maximum 49 characters.

Defines an action for the Builder to take if it encounters new items during a build. 

Possible values are:

  • Add - The Builder adds any new items.
  • Ignore - The entire record is ignored.
  • Fail - The build aborts.
  • Log - The new record is written to a log file. The log file has the same filename as the source file specified in the FilePath or Source key, and it has a .log extension.
  • Add is the most common action, except when creating a template. (A template is an empty table intended as a starting point for a manual process or an update.)

Specifies the type of the dimension. Possible values are:

  • Normal - The standard dimension type. Stores one unique code of up to 15 characters.
  • Geographic - Geographic data that allows you to link a map file to the dimension.
  • Timeseries - Date information. Stores one date per dimension item.
    - Labels are not permitted for a timeseries dimension, which must be the last dimension in the table.
    - Permits aggregation and other timeseries-related operations. 
  • Periodicity (below) is required.

Required if Type=Timeseries. Possible values are:

  • Annual
  • SemiAnnual
  • Quarterly
  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Daily

Output Section Example

In the following example, the rows will contain the Region dimension with the Sex dimension nested. The string 2,1 corresponds to the dimensions associated with the Dim2 and Dim1 keys specified above. The columns will contain the Date dimension (Dim3) and the other dimensions will be empty because the string is empty.


IVU - Output-xxx section

"xxx" refers to a 3-letter language code. The LanguageN key must be defined in the [Output] section or this language specific section will be ignored. Anything specified in this section overrides corresponding values specified in the [Output] section. 

The following describes the values for the Output-xxx sections of an IVU:


The title that appears in the Find dialog box of the Browser or Visual Builder.

  • Maximum length = 49 characters.
CategoryNoThe category that appears in the Find dialog box.

The name of the person or organization who created the table or extract.

  • Maximum length = 250 characters.
KeywordsNoA list of comma-separated keywords.

A method for specifying language-specific dimension information.

  • Ignored for any dimensions that are already defined using Dimension Definition files in the Output section.
  • Not used when creating an extract.

The value of DimN is Name,Description (separated by a comma).

IVU - Units section

Used when creating a table from an extract. 

The optional Units section of an IVU defines a series whose values are derived by performing a statistical calculation on the values in one or more numeric source fields. 

Key entries in the Units section are as follows:

NameThe name of the units series.
ItemsThe number of items that make up the series.

Defines how the values of the items are calculated. The syntax is as follows:

ItemN=Name_of_item,{Source Field},{Calculation}

Name_of_item is a user-defined name for the units item. The Visual Builder provides a default name in the form Sum(GroceryBil), where Sum is an abbreviation for the calculation to be performed and GroceryBil is a 10-character truncation of the name of the source field.

Source Field is the full name of the source field whose values are used to calculate the units item.

Calculation is the statistical operation that is performed on the source field values to arrive at the units item. Possible values for Calculation are:

  • Average - The value of the item is the average of the values in the source field.
  • Count - The value of the item is a count of the number of values in the source field.
  • Maximum - The value of the item is the highest value found in the source field.
  • Minimum - The value of the item is the lowest value found in the source field.
  • Non-Missing Count - The value of the item is a count of the number of values in the source field, excluding any missing values.
  • Sum - The value of the item is the sum of all the values in the source field.
  • UnWeighted Count - The value of the item is a count of the number of values in the source field. The count is not weighted.
  • Weighted Non-Missing Count - The value of the item is a count of the number of values in the source field. The count is weighted and it does not include any missing values.

IVU - Rules section

The Rules section of an IVU defines links between source fields and output dimensions. It also allows you to initialize a table for missing values, define start and end dates for a time dimension, and define a weight field. (The Rules section is not used when creating an extract.)

The following describes the key entries in the Rules section of an IVU:

DimNYes, if DimN appears in the Output section.The name of a field in the source file that is to be linked with the output dimension DimN. DimN uses this field as its lookup field.

DimN may be any of the following:

  • A regular field
  • A user-defined field
  • A series
  • A redefinition field



  • This example links the first dimension in the table, Dim1, to the source field Region.

Defines how missing values are stored. (Ignored for tables that do not have missing values enabled.) 

Possible values are:

  • Missing - The table is initialized to missing values.
  • Zeros - The table is initialized to zeros.
TerminationNoObsolete. Specifies whether Visual Builder will exit immediately after building a table.
  • This key no longer has any effect in Builder version 5.0 and later. It is included for backward compatability. Users who were using this key should now use the Integrator's Builder instead.
  • Not used by Integrator's Builder.

Possible values are: 

  • Exit - There will be no processing summary and Visual Builder will close immediately after running the build.
  • Undefined - Visual Builder will run the build, display a processing summary box, and wait for the user to click OK.

Obsolete. The starting date for a time series dimension. 

  • Now replaced by the Dates key, below.
  • Only used at the time a table is created.
  • Must be specified in Beyond 20/20 standard date format. Can be any periodicity.


Obsolete. The ending date for a time series dimension. 

  • Now replaced by the Dates key, below.
  • Only used at the time a table is created.
  • Must be specified in Beyond 20/20 standard date format. Can be any periodicity.

A list of dates and date ranges, separated by commas.

  • Must be specified in Beyond 20/20 date format.
WeightNoThe name of a numeric source field that will be used to weight the build's data.

IVU - Notes section

The Notes section of an IVU holds comments about the information in the file. Notes are copied to the table or extract summary during the build process.

The following describes the key entries in the Notes section of an IVU:


Defines the character set used by the notes. Possible values are: 

  • ANSI
  • OEM

In a multilingual table or extract, specifies which language entries the notes are in reference to. 

  • Possible values are any of the Beyond 20/20 3-letter language codes. See Language Codes in the Builder Help for more information.

Rules for entering notes:

  • Start lines with a semicolon (;) to identify them as notes.
  • End lines with a plus sign (+) to make them wrap.
  • You can use HTML in notes if you want to create links to other files. However, Beyond 20/20 urges caution. See HTML in Summaries in the Builder Help for more information.

IVU - Record Constraints section

Record constraints determine which records of a source file will have their data constrained when they are loaded into a table, and in what way the data will be constrained. 

  • Record constraints can be created in the Visual Builder by choosing Record Constraints from the Data menu.

The RecordConstraint section of an IVU contains all the constraints that have been defined. 

Source records are constrained in different ways, depending on whether their data is numeric or coded. 

  • Any or all of the following constraint types can be combined to create a single record constraint.
  • One record constraint can involve more than one operation and data from more than one source field.
  • There must be a dimension definition file (IVD) for the source field that is used as a record constraint. 

Numeric Records

Numeric records are constrained by applying either a range constraint or a comparison operator to their data.

  • A range constraint defines two values. The data that falls in between the defined values will be included in the table or extract.
  • A comparison operator specifies which values to include in the table or extract by comparing the values to one defined value. The following operators are used:
    = Equals
    < Less than
    <= Less than or equal to
    > Greater than
    >=  Greater than or equal to

Examples of comparisons:

=22Includes only the value 22.
<22Includes all values that are less than 22.
>=22Includes all values that are 22 or greater.

Coded Records

Coded records are constrained by selecting specific items to include. 

  • For example, if a source field called Size has three possible values - small, medium, and large - you can constrain the data to include only the small items.

AND and OR

AND and OR are methods of combining separate fields to create a complex record constraint. (Fields that are ANDed or ORed together may already have had range or comparison constraints applied to them.)

  • ANDing fields together includes only the data that falls in both fields.
  • ORing fields together includes all the data that falls into either field. 

Key Entries

There are two key entries in a Record Constraint section: Constraints, and FieldN. Both entries are required.

  • The Constraints key has a numeric value that represents the number of source fields that will be used in creating a record constraint. It is the same as the maximum value of N in FieldN.

    For example: "Constraints=2."

  • N is a sequential number for a source field whose data is used in creating a record constraint. The first source field is Field1.

The syntax for the FieldN key is as follows:


The following describes the values for the RecordConstraint section of an IVU:


The name of a source field that will be used in creating a record constraint.


The type of the source field. Possible values are:

  • Coded
  • Numeric
  • Dated


The number of fields that are ANDed or Ored together to arrive at a complex constraint.

  • For a simple constraint that involves only one source field’s data, Levels = 0.


The number of items (defined as separate values, or separate ranges of values) that will be associated with the constraint.

  • If the constraint field can have just two possible separate values (such as "Large" and "Medium" but not "Small"), then Items = 2.
  • If the constraint field is a numeric range from 10 to 100, the value of Items is 1 (and not 90), because there is just one possible range of values.
  • Each Items entry must have a VN entry in a Q-FieldN section associated with it. See below.

The [Q-FieldN] Sections

As well as the two key entries listed above, a Record Constraint section must also contain separate sections called "Q-FieldN" sections. 

  • There is a Q-Field section for each FieldN entry.
  • Q-FieldN sections define the specific constraint conditions that apply to each source field.

Each Q-FieldN section contains one entry, designated VN, for each possible value in a FieldN item. 

  • The number of VN entries is the same as the value of "Items" shown above.
  • VN specifies the exact condition that constrains the data in FieldN.

If FieldN is a Coded field, VN entries simply name the required value.

Example: V1=Small 
  • In this example, the only possible value for V1 is Small. Data for Medium and Large is not included in the table or extract.

If FieldN is a Numeric field and the constraint uses a logical operator, VN states the condition for the value of VN.

Example: V1=">1000" 
  • In this example, only values for V1 that are greater than 1000 are included.

If FieldN is a numeric field and the constraint is a band constraint, VN states the upper and lower bounds of the band.

Example: V1="[0,1000)" 
  • In this example, only values for V1 that fall in a range from 0 [including 0] to 1000 [not including 1000] are included.
Note that in a range expression, a square bracket "[" or "]" means that the value inside it is inclusive of itself. A round bracket "(" or ")" means that the value inside it is not inclusive of itself. It is not unusual to use both kinds of bracket in the same expression to indicate that the higher and lower range boundaries do or do not include themselves.

Example of a record constraint

This RecordConstraint section of an IVU defines two constraints. 

  • The first constraint, Field1, affects a source field called Quota whose format is Numeric. One item is associated with the constraint. The condition of the constraint is defined in [Q-Field1] as being a band constraint between the values of 0 (inclusive) and 20000 (not inclusive).

    The result of this record constraint is that only values of Quota between 0 and 20000 (but not including 20000) will be included in the table or extract that is being built.

  • The second constraint, Field2, affects a source field called Province whose format is Coded. Two items, V1 and V2, are associated with the constraint. [Q-Field2] defines the coded value QUE as being the constraint on V1 and the coded value BC as being the constraint on V2.

    The result is that only data for Quebec and British Columbia will be included in the table or extract that is being created.

[RecordConstraint] Constraints=2 Field1=Quota,Numeric,0,1 Field2=Province,Coded,1,2
[Q-Field1] V1="[0,20000)"
[Q-Field2] V1=QUE V2=BC

IVU - Missing Values section

Missing values are values that do not appear in a table because they are unknown, unavailable, or confidential. The presence of a missing value in a cell is shown by a missing value indicator, and an explanation of the missing value is contained in a missing value description. (Missing values are similar to footnotes.)

If missing values are enabled, the MissingValues section of an IVU specifies the missing value indicators and definitions for the default table language. (Not used for creating extracts.)

The syntax to define a missing value is as follows:

  • Key is a numeric value from 1 to 16. The first key must be "1," subsequent keys must increment by 1, and there can be no interruptions in the numbering.
  • A table can have up to 16 separate missing values.
  • Key entries correspond to missing value definitions in the source definition file (IVS). See Source Definition File, Field Definitions section, in the Builder Help for more information.

The following describes the values in the MissingValues section of an IVU:


One or more characters that appear in a table cell to mark the presence of a missing value. 

  • Maximum 16 characters.
  • If an indicator contains a comma, you must enclose the indicator in double quotes.

An explanation or description for a missing value.

  • Maximum 1000 characters.
  • If a description contains a comma, you must enclose the description in double quotes.


Example 1

The following MissingValues section of an IVU defines three missing values.

[MissingValues] 1=-,Missing Value 2=...,Secure Data 3=n/a,Data is not available
  • Missing value 1 uses a dash (-) as a missing value indicator. The explanation is "Missing Value."
  • Missing value 2 uses an ellipsis (…) as a missing value indicator. The explanation is "Secure Data."
  • Missing value 3 uses the string "n/a" as a missing value indicator. The explanation is "Data is not available." 

Example 2: Missing Values in Multilingual Tables

If you are creating a multilingual table, your MissingValues section must include additional MissingValues subsections, one for each language used in the table. Each language-specific MissingValues subsection takes the following form:


"xxx" represents one of the 3-character Beyond 20/20 language codes – for example, [MissingValues-fra] for French-language missing values information or [MissingValues-deu] for German-language missing values information. See Language Codes in the Builder Help. 

The following language-specific MissingValues subsection defines French versions of the missing values shown in Example 1:

[MissingValues-fra] 1=-,Valeur Manquante 2=...,Valeur private 3=n/d,Le valeur n'est pas disponible

IVU - Footnotes section

This section enables you to specify text and background cell coloring for footnotes. It refers to the footnote table indices for each entry, starting with the value 1.

  • If more than one language is defined in the table, additional sections of the form [Footnotes-xxx] are required, where xxx is one of the standard three-letter language codes that are defined by the Output section's LanguageN keys.
  • The default [Footnotes] section always refers to the default language given by the Language1 key.

Each section will contain identical numeric keys denoting the footnote table indices for each entry. The minimum record will have two fields containing the reference mark and the description.

1YesReference markThe 3-character reference mark, enclosed in double quotes if required.
2YesTextThe textual description, enclosed in double quotes if required.
3NoShow reference mark

Indicates whether the reference mark should be displayed. The default value is True. Possible values:

  • True
  • False
4NoShow text

Indicates whether the description should be displayed. The default value is True. Possible values:

  • True
  • False
5NoText color

Indicates the color of the text to be displayed. This must be a hex code of the form #RRGGBB where R, G, and B refer to the 2 digit hex codes for red, green, and blue respectively.

  • The default value is #000000 (black).
6NoBackground color

Indicates the color of the background to be displayed. This must be a hex code of the form #RRGGBB where R, G, and B refer to the 2 digit hex codes for red, green, and blue respectively. 

  • The default value is #FFFFFF (white).

IVU - FootnoteLoader section

The footnote loader section contains the information specified in the Define Footnote Source dialog. 

  • The footnote loader, formerly a separate application, has been incorporated into the Visual Builder as of version 7.1. To load footnotes using the Builder, point at the Source menu and click Define Footnote Source. See Define Footnote Source in the Visual Builder User Guide.

Footnote Loader Only definition

An IVU is a valid "footnote loader only IVU" if it contains a valid FootnoteLoader section and a Name key specifying an existing IVT file. There should be no Rules specified.

  • When a valid "footnote loader only IVU" is loaded into the Builder, the Data Load Footnotes menu option will become available. If processed by the Integrators Builder, it will run only the Footnote Loader section of the Builder.
DictFileTypeNoIf specified, must be MDB or CSV, indicating Access or comma-separated values files respectively.
DictFilenameYes, if DictFileType is specified.

Specifies an MDB or a delimited file that contains the data for creating the footnote dictionary entries.

  • May contain a full path or the path relative to the IVU file.
If the DictFileType is CSV, this contains the character to be used as the delimiter. It may be any printable ANSI character enclosed in double-quotes or it may be the special character 0x09 which refers to the tab character. If omitted, the list separator from the computer's regional settings will be used.
Yes, if DictFileType is MDB.
If the DictFileType is MDB, this contains the name of the table containing the data.
Yes, if DictFileType is specified.
The field name for the footnote identifier.
Yes, if DictFileType is specified.
The field name for the language data.
Yes, if DictFileType is specified.
The field name for the reference mark data.
Yes, if DictFileType is specified.
The field name for the text data.
The field name for the boolean data that indicates whether the reference mark should be displayed.
The field name for the boolean data that indicates whether the textual description should be displayed.
The field name for the color data that indicates the color of the text for the reference mark.
The field name for the color data that indicates the background color of the cell containing this footnote.
If specified, this must be one of MDB or CSV.
Yes, if CellFileType is specified.
Specifies an MDB or a delimited file that contains the data for associating the cells with specific footnotes from the footnote dictionary table.
If the CellFileType is CSV, this contains the character to be used as the delimiter. It may be any printable ANSI character enclosed in double-quotes or it may be the special character 0x09 which refers to the tab character. If omitted, the list separator from the computer's regional settings will be used.
Yes, if CellFileType is MDB.
The name of the table containing the cell position data.
The field name for the FootnoteId.
One entry is required for each dimension in the output file if CellFileType is specified.
The field name containing the code values for each dimension.